Alpha Phi Omega records


Alpha Phi Omega records

1947-2011 (majority between 1962-2011)

Alpha Phi Omega (APO) is a national service fraternity founded at Lafayette College in 1925. Its mission is to prepare campus and community leaders through service. Its purpose is to develop leadership, to promote friendship and to provide service to humanity. An Alpha Phi Omega interest group at the University of Maryland was organized in fall of 1946 under the guidance of Speech Department Professor Gordon D. Brigham. On May 25, 1947, the group of 41 men was granted a charter to form the Epsilon Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, the fraternity's 132nd chapter. The collection consists of scrapbooks, plaques, photographs and documents covering the activities of the fraternity.

31.00 Linear Feet

eng, Latn

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Alpha Phi Omega is a national service fraternity, composed of college and university men who are or have been previously affiliated with the Boy Scouts. From the guide to the Alpha Phi Omega records, 1952-1965, (Ohio University) From the guide to the Alpha Phi Omega, Records of, 1947-2011, 1962-2011, (University of Maryland) ...